Monday, March 27, 2006

Infestation Station!

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago, that day when it was really nice hoodie weather, I checked my outside thermometer before heading outside. To my surprise, it read just over 15 degrees. This didn't seem possible mid-March so I opened my balcony door and something fell down. What, you may ask? A few lady bugs had fallen from somewhere. I looked up to see from where and quickly saw a flash of, oh, I don't know, a zillion lady bugs. I slammed the door and heard a resulting crunching sound that sickened me, but at least made me think that I probably wouldn't have to deal with them again, although I did feel bad about accidentally killing them.

Last night something flitted about my halogen light. Now, this has happened before, and to my delight, said thing decided to land on my halogen light, thus resulting in a puff of smoke and an end to the buzzing sound that had previously been emanating from it. This did not happen last night. The thing, a surviving lady bug as it turned out, decided to freak me out by flitting all over the place. Now, normally, I am not a bug killer. It makes me feel bad. I mean, they're just trying to eke out a living like everyone else. Who am I to judge? But last night, due to my increasing fear that perhaps not all ladybugs had perished in the great door slam of '06, I captured him under a glass and then used a magazine to sweep him into the toilet and flushed. And I felt really bad about it, but I was in no position at 3 a.m. to crack open that door and set the ladybug free for fear of more bugs getting into my apartment.

So today, I braved the unknown. I opened the inner door just a little. Then horrified, quickly opened the outer door, then slammed the inner door again, thereby leaving the outer door open so they can gradually awaken from hibernation and escape to the big world out there. I'm hoping that's what they decide to do, as opposed to working their way into my apartment.

A friend of mine has informed me that ladybugs are supposed to be good luck. So I better be in for a shit load of luck. Of course, I did kill that one. I'm screwed.


pizza diarist said...

I've heard ladybug swarmings were on the rise in the South End, but I didn't believe it. Finally, proof!

Michael Edmondson said...

Over here on the other side of the country we have lady bugs... but we also have imposter lady bugs. They eat your house like termites. My uncle had a problem with them.... You can tell the difference between them in that the fake ones stink terribly when you squish them. It think you are safe though as they likely are not eating brick.

pizza diarist said...

I'd be more worried about that big one that looks like Spiderman.

Blandy Snorhal said...

I'm actually impressed that some variety of bug has managed to transform itself to look like a ladybug and fake everyone out while they get bizzay on your house.

Michael Edmondson said...

Like an animal that looks just like a cute puppy... that isn't a puppy... people take them home for pets... but then they trash your house and eat everything made of plastic in the house while you sleep.

I think maybe I'm working too hard or going crazy... which ever...

Anonymous said...

They're just Japanese tourists. Leave them alone.

Blandy Snorhal said...

Well, I opened the door for them and handed them some cameras and they left.

Harsh! I so just stereotyped ladybugs!

Update, hardly any are left since it was almost 20 degrees today and they woke up like "Say what? It is a heat wave out here! Let's jet!"