Thursday, October 28, 2004

Today Pizza Diarist thought I was retarded and in the minority because I borrowed a book from him and kept the dust jacket on it. Apparently dust jackets are not meant to protect books, as I once so naively thought. Rather, you must keep the dust jacket in tip top form and if the book is not water logged or is only partially burned, it's really just a bonus to it's overall worth.


pizza diarist said...

Judge a book by its cover. That's what my pop always used to say.

kimberlym said...

i always lend the dust jacket with the book. i think it's just shaun who has this strange hangup with his dust jackets.

pizza diarist said...

I really wouldn't worry about the dust jackets for your Nora Roberts romance novels, Kim. We're talking Slaughterhouse-Five! With a dust jacket!

I'm so misunderstood...

Blandy Snorhal said...

I thought I should break it to you on here, I spilled some Coke on Slaughterhouse Five. It's pretty stained and sticky now. If only that plastic wrapped dust jacket had been on there...