Saturday, October 30, 2004

Happy Hallo-choo!

This is last night in three pictures. Time was spent watching (and barely helping) Pizza Diarist transform himself into a wonderful glowing figure. Numerous Christmas lights and a Beastie Boys-style white jumpsuit were involved. Then we hit a party on John Street where I met a cat named Earl who had adorable paws with six toes on each one. Just like a Hemmingway cat! Also met various people, costumed and non. Then I discovered I was crazy allergic to copious amounts of cigarette smoke and I had to bail out early and go home and down some allergy pills and put on a cold eye mask in an attempt to halt the sneezing, sniffles and eye pain, which was really only halted when I passed out asleep. Good times!


pizza diarist said...

I was just going to bed but that drawing made me laugh so hard I'm wide awake again. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Blandy Snorhal said...

Mwah-ah-ha! That was my plan all along! After all, miserably tired loves company.

Anonymous said...

i love all your drawings. you should be doing the cartoons for the hearld.

pizza diarist said...

Duude. You should totally draw pictures for people's obits. I'm using that piece of pizza with glasses on it for mine.