Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Home For The Holidays

So, as the title suggests, I'm home for the holidays. More specifically, at my parent's home. Here's what's been happening so far:

There are a boat load of birds in the backyard, because my parents put out bird feed a lot.

We went grocery shopping. This was not purchased.

My mom and I went to bingo. I won 25 buckaroos! Whoo!

Next up: Shopping for my dad, making a gingerbread house, making shortbread cookies, thinking about Judah Friedlander for a bit, followed by laughing my ass off, probably followed by a nap.

Also! Remember that donkey from a few posts back? I believe this is his website with commercial. He's anti-drunk driving. Unlike drunk drivers. Although, I think when I saw him, he was only doing pick up shots.

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