Sunday, November 18, 2007

Final Fantasy!

St. Matthew's United Church, November 17, 2007.

Here's a video of performance of "Many Lives 49 MP". Sorry there's a big head in the video, although it's not that the dude's head is so big, just unfortunately placed for this shot and I didn't want to hold my camera any higher and obstruct the view for others. This is one of my favourite Final Fantasy songs so I was jazzed to hear it. In concert, his music can be very overwhelming, in a good way, so this video doesn't really accurately represent just how amazing this performance was. My friend D and I almost cried during this song, so that should give you some idea of how great it was. But watching him build up a song is pretty fascinating. Enjoy!


Michael Edmondson said...


I really loved that... I hope you (for your sake) are one of his groupies and will be having his bastard child... because it will be very talented... just kidding... you hate kids... that are yours... or not family...

Anonymous said...

The Miker re-directed me here. It's been too long. (Where are your cartoon drawings?!?! - I loved them!!!)

Anyway, he told me to take a listen. Great sound and great sneaky footage!

Blandy Snorhal said...

Well, I may be a groupie but I will not be having his kid. I'd be much interested in modern science finding a way to create a kid from him and Wes Anderson.

And sg! I haven't heard from you in awhile. No, I haven't posted any drawings lately. Sorry! I've been putting all my drawing efforts into something else for the last year and a half, but now that it's finished, maybe I'll get a few more up on the site.

I'm glad I could pass along the wonder that is Final Fantasy to you both!

Windrider said...

Hi Blandy!

wow, nice fiddle!!

I would have loved to have seen that!
